Child watch scene 747x499As a benefit for our members, each YMCA offers free Child Watch for up to 2 hours per day as you work out or relax in our facility. Children are welcome between the ages of 6 weeks and 6 years. Staff provide loving care for your little ones, giving you peace of mind and giving children a safe, fun place to play.

For your child’s first visit to Child Watch please complete a registration form that gives staff some background information about your child. To check your child into Child Watch, present the staff with your and your child’s membership card. This way we can identify you as the parent or guardian and ensure your child’s safety.

*Schedule subject to change due to holidays or early closures.

Creating A Successful Experience:

  • You must always remain in the YMCA facility while your children are signed into the Child Watch Area.
  • Due to Child Watch protocols staff cannot feed children or change diapers. If food or diaper changing is needed, staff will locate you to take care of your child’s needs.
  • All allergies or conditions that require special treatment or care should be noted on the Registration Form.
  • Staff will try holding, distracting, and entertaining upset children. If after 10 minutes they are unable to soothe your child, staff will retrieve parent/guardian to be signed out of the Child Watch for the day.
  • Refrain from bringing your child to the Child Watch area if they have a fever, cold or cough, upset stomach, rash, runny nose (not due to teething), or if they are just feeling unwell.

For more details, please read our Child Watch Registration & Parent Polices and Procedures Form

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YMCA of the Inland Northwest
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