CommUNITY Starts Here

Hands joining together in a circle representing diversity

As the traumatic events unfold across America, it is clear there is a long road ahead to healing as a nation and ensuring social equity and inclusion. We share the grief and outrage felt by the country in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Our prayers and commitment are with Mr. Floyd’s friends, families and neighbors who are grieving. We grieve with you.

The Y is committed to learning more about how we can embolden our efforts to reduce health disparities in our marginalized communities.

The Y is committed to putting into practice what we learn and promoting a community of caring, racially conscious people.

The Y is committed to strengthening our partnerships with organizations and schools to unify our community for social justice for people of color.

We invite you to join us in this journey as we work to strengthen commUNITY, by choosing kindness over hate. By speaking up and speaking out when injustice is present. What unites us will be stronger than what divides us. As part of our Y, our community needs you to stand together and support each other. We Must Do Better

Together, we can be a part of the solution.  

For Strength.  For Community.  For Change.

I believe strongly that the YMCA remains committed to the ideals with which it was founded, love for neighbor, a welcome and safe haven for all, and a place where each person can experience growth and acceptance. I am horrified by what I have seen transpire and I wanted you to know that we as an inclusive, welcoming organization will continue to champion those who need us most.

We have worked collaboratively with organizations and groups within our community to build connections and support them as we all join together to strengthen the fabric and foundation of our city, county and region. I am proud of that work but know that it is not nearly enough. We can do more. This is the time to share both my personal and organizational commitment to actions which affirm and champion every person of color, race, gender, age, background, or ability. I appreciate you joining me as the YMCA will continue to be the organization with open, welcoming doors, compassionate and able staff inside, and the commitment to do great things together. We have put the shoes on our feet but it is a long road ahead, but together, I am confident that as we walk, we can do great things.

Steve Tammaro

CEO, YMCA of the Inland Northwest

YMCA of the Inland Northwest
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